was created to offer readers a place where the slow, the simple, and the good are singled out and celebrated. We hope that if you like this website, you will start to notice these things within your own life and begin to consciously seek them out and cherish them.
Sometimes the good life is not about creating something new, but rather noticing the good that is already there. This is my collection of the slow, the simple, and the good … what is yours?
If you start looking, you will notice more and more. After all, you are what you pay attention to. Enjoy! creator and Gillian Byck Overholser is a former investigative reporter for “60 Minutes,” former Sr. Researcher for “20/20” and researcher for SPYMagazine. More recently she is a photographer, writer, mother, and last but not at all least, caretaker for her home, her pets, and herself.
All photographs on byGillian Byck Overholser, unless linked to an outside website or product, or unless otherwise noted. Please ask permission before re-using images. Thank you!